Friday, January 30, 2009

¡A jugar!

What is the point of having a blog? They are essentially the same as having a page on YourSpace. Or, a SpaceBook page, if you're now better than YourSpace. No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it still will not help you win the race. See, that's relevant banter! Right?! Now I'm blogging with fire!

So, here it is. A blog (or web-log as my granpappy calls them) dedicated to our Texas/Virginia hybrid music collective, Black Fontanelle. You may call it a label. We call it a bunch of awesome, talented people who all want to be heard in this vast landfill known as the internet. Keep on digging, and there's always something great. Who in the world would throw this out?! Turns out a lot of people would.

Here are some links that will help it all make more sense:
C.N.P Records --the best of the Richmond, VA music scene and beyond. Ask for Jason. He'll get you a good seat.
Evolve Happy --the best blog, blogging has to offer. "Covering the evolution of almost everything." Ask for Roberto.
The Austin Comedy Trainwreck --the best and worst of the Austin comedy scene. Ask for Norman.
Joe Legs Film --the best legs in the business. Flyer design. Films. Artwork. Ask for Joe Legs, of course. see also: [histube page]
Black Fontanelle on OurSpace --our very own space!

We will be using this blog to promote happenings in and around the Black Fontanelle family of freaks and cannibals. Shows, recordings, releases, special events, comic books, zines, films, and whetever else we want you to put on the refridgerator to make us feel special. Nothing will be spared from digital promotion overkill. We're one step closer to an actual website. Let's rape this cow!

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